The Ultimate Guide On Carpet Cleaning Drying Time
The most asked question people have on professional carpet cleaning besides pricing is how long it takes for their carpets to dry. They seem to have heard horror stories about getting cheap carpet cleaning services that leave carpets damp for several days. But usually this is due to wrong technique, if done properly carpet should dry fast within the day.
However, there is no simple answer to the question. Bear in mind that it varies according to the condition and situation of the carpet. Some carpets have different textures and fibers so it will take a lot longer. For example, a wool type carpet absorbs more water than synthetic based carpets. On the other hand, Polypropylene, a synthetic material, absorbs almost no water so the water remains on the surface, making it feel wetter to touch.
The amount of soil in the carpet also determines the time needed to dry. If it is too dirty and saturated with soil, then it will require more effort and liquid to break the soil loose.
Another thing to consider is the humidity and temperature of the room. On humid conditions or cold days, it could take significantly longer to dry. Air movement is restricted hence evaporation is slower. This is due to the air containing much more water than the usual which slows down and resist absorption of moisture. Warm air, on the other hand, is much swifter and causes evaporation to be faster, such as a hair dryer. Hot, dry air dries your hair faster than a cold setting. Since we are on the topic of hair, we can also say that longer hair dries longer than shorter one, a shaggy carpet will require more drying time than fine haired ones.
The methodology used also play a great role in determining if carpets will dry faster. Low moisture methods such as encapsulation are used by some carpet cleaning companies. Since less water is used, then it will also take shorter time to dry . However, encapsulation works only on lightly soiled carpets and not on heavily soiled carpets. It is also virtually helpless against urine, vomit, and pet accidents. Improper equipment can also affect the time it takes for the carpets to dry. Deep cleaning truck mounted carpet cleaning machines are far more expensive than regular cleaning machines so don’t expect quality on cheap services. For example, AJS Carpet Cleaning Salt Lake City uses truck mounted engines that is ten times more powerful than rented carpet machines.
Our carpet cleaning system uses top of the line technology that is designed to extract the most moist possible. Our wands have a visual indicator that tells us how much water is passing through, so we can determine if we have extracted all of the remaining water. Depending on the number of rooms to be cleaned, you can request for blowers to reduce waiting time. AJS
Carpet Cleaning Salt Lake City will do everything that’s possible to make sure the carpets will feel dry before they even leave your residence, however it is advisable to leave it to dry for 24 hours before stepping on it.
There are also some areas that take longer to dry such as closets, hallways, stairs, etc. due to furniture which blocks air movement.
AJS Carpet Cleaning Inc. strives to leave your carpets as clean and dry as possible so that you can go about with your normal routine. Being thoroughly clean is of our most important concern, and drying time is also of primary importance, but we won’t compromise cleanliness just to have a faster drying time. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 801 368-0705.